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New Website Coming Soon: NCAP is updating its online platform and will soon move to along with our new Air Photo Finder



New batch of RAF images released

Over 5,000 aerial images of places across Britain now accessible.

30 June 2015

RAF aerial images released

Partnership with US Holocaust Memorial Museum

First Minister presents images from NCAP

11 June 2015

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Richard Shirk Collection now accessible

US airman's wartime photographs now online

10 June 2015

Richard Shirk wartime photographs

Toulon mosaic now available

Mosaic of Toulon in August 1944 now available to subscribers.

15 May 2015

Coastal Survey images now online

4,900 colour aerial images of Scotland's coastline have been digitised and released.

24 February 2015


One million images now accessible

New batch of Finding Aids released

4 February 2015

New batch of 5,000 images of Scotland released

Over 5,000 historical oblique aerial images of Scotland have been released.

23 January 2015


Exhibition in Nuernberg, Germany

NCAP aerial photography features in a new exhibition – Nuernberg 1945 - to mark the 70th anniversary of a devastating Allied bombing raid on the city.

8 January 2015

New batch of finding aids released

Over 940,000 aerial images now searchable.

17 December 2014

NCAP Finding Aid coverage December 2014

Observing Operation SEALION

Monitoring the German build-up to the invasion of Britain in 1940.

6 October 2014


Mosaics now available

Mosaics of Scotland and Sardinia are now available to subscribers.

11 September 2014

3D model of Rome in 1944

A joint research project with the University of Vienna has created a 3D model of Rome from aerial photography taken in 1944.

31 July 2014

3D model of Rome in 1944

NCAP imagery assists weapons search

Aerial imagery of wartime trench leads to search for buried weapons.

30 July 2014

Aerial imagery of wartime trench leads to search for buried weapons.

Images of the Commonwealth released

3,500 aerial images of Kenya and Jamaica feature in our latest upload.

27 June 2014

Aerial image of Jamaica

New Film - Sightlines - Offers a Vision of the Commonwealth

New film inspired by NCAP photography explores colonialism and its consequences, as they are being played out today, in a hillside village in Kenya.

16 June 2014

Sightlines - a vision of the Commonwealth

Images of Nordrhein-Westfalen released

Images of Paderborn and Sennelager feature in our latest image upload

10 June 2014

Images of Nordrhein-Westfalen released

New batch of 4,500 images released

Images of Sweden and Venice feature in our latest image upload.

23 April 2014

Venice, Italy, photographed from a USAAF F-5

Images of the Alps released

A new batch of 6,700 historical aerial images of Austria and southern Germany has been released and is now accessible online.

19 November 2013

Obersulzbach glacier aerial photograph

Colour aerial images of Scottish beaches released

A collection of 8,283 of oblique aerial images taken during a survey of beaches in Scotland has been uploaded to the NCAP website.

28 October 2013

Colour aerial image of Scottish beach

Meridian Airmaps images released

A new batch of 6,790 historic aerial images of Scotland taken by Meridian Airmaps has been digitised, catalogued and uploaded to the NCAP website. This batch includes complete cover of central Scotland in the early 1970's.

25 September 2013

Aerial image of Ravencraig steelworks
