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Finding Aid Digitisation Programme 2016

NCAP cares for over 26 million aerial photographs of places around the world. Over 7 million of these are catalogued and available to researchers. By digitising and uploading our catalogued finding aids to these photographs we are empowering our subscribers to locate, identify and order copies of these aerial photographs from their homes and offices around the world.



World Overview


Over 19,600 finding aids are now available to view on this website, making over 3,334,000 not-yet-digitised aerial photographs accessible.


Total online finding aid coverage can be seen on the map on the right, and more information on the most recent batches of finding aids released in 2016 can be viewed below.


December 2016


333 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 87,143 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Belgium, Channel Islands, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland.


November 2016


292 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 70,118 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain.


October 2016


372 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 70,166 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

September 2016


385 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 74,604 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Switzerland.

August 2016


393 sortie plots from the Scottish Office Collection were released, unlocking access to 90,000 Ordnance Survey aerial photographs dating from 1954-1969 in:



June 2016


322 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 67,177 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the Vatican.

May 2016


533 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 144,217 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain and Switzerland.


March 2016


4,614 sortie plots from the Scottish Office Collection were released, unlocking access to 400,000 Ordnance Survey aerial photographs dating from 1970-2009 in:




February 2016


264 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 71,084 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Belgium, Channel Islands, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

January 2016


228 sortie plots from the ACIU Collection were released, unlocking access to 60,136 aerial photographs dating from 1944 of locations in:


Austria, Belgium, Channel Islands, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Switzerland.